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February 22, 2024 - By Barron Rosborough

Erik’s February Favorites

Welcome to the first entry of “Erik’s Favorite Things,” a series where I dive into the brands that not only capture my attention but also resonate with my core values of innovation, quality, and impact (and I figured Oprah does it, so why can’t I?). As the CEO of Hawke Media, I’ve had the privilege of working with and encountering a myriad of companies that are doing incredible things in their industries. However, some stand out more than others—not just for their products or services, but for the stories they tell and the experiences they offer.

In this series, we’re not just talking about brands; we’re talking about visionaries who are shaping the future of their markets, one innovative step at a time. From eco-friendly initiatives to family-centered businesses, each entry is a testament to the power of passion and perseverance. These are the companies that go beyond the conventional, challenge the status quo, and, in doing so, enhance our daily lives.

Whether you’re a fellow entrepreneur, a curious consumer, or someone in search of inspiration, this series is for you. Join me as we explore the unique qualities that make each of these brands a favorite of mine, and perhaps you’ll discover a few new favorites along the way. Let’s embark on this journey together, celebrating the creativity, dedication, and entrepreneurial spirit that drive these remarkable businesses.


Who doesn’t love a bit of nostalgia mixed with pop culture? Funko is the king of bringing your favorite characters to life in the form of irresistibly collectible figures. Whether it’s a superhero, a beloved TV character, or a music icon, Funko has a knack for capturing the essence of pop culture. My personal collection is a testament to their creativity—it’s like having a piece of my favorite moments and characters right on my shelf.

Mon Ami Designs

Mon Ami transforms the concept of a simple toy into a lifelong keepsake. Their chic and whimsical heirloom dolls are more than just toys; they’re a gateway to a world of imagination for kids and a nostalgic trip down memory lane for adults. I’m particularly fond of how each piece tells a story, blending craftsmanship with a personal touch. It’s a reminder of the joy and simplicity of childhood in an increasingly complex world.

The Sill

In a world where the concrete jungle reigns supreme, The Sill brings a much-needed touch of greenery into our lives. Their approach to making plant care easy and accessible is something I can get behind. As someone who appreciates the aesthetic and air-purifying benefits of indoor plants, The Sill is a game-changer. It’s not just about selling plants; it’s about fostering a deeper connection with nature in our daily lives.

PF Candles

P.F. Candle Co. has elevated the humble candle into an essential element of home ambiance. Their scents are a journey in themselves, transforming the atmosphere of any space with just a flicker. As a CEO, unwinding is key, and their products are my go-to for creating a relaxing environment after a long day. The dedication to quality and the indie spirit of P.F. Candle Co. resonates with me deeply.

Avalou’s Italian Pizza

Food is not just nourishment; it’s an experience, a reason to come together. Avalou’s Italian Pizza, born from the passion of Louis Lombardi and his daughter Ava, captures the essence of family and the simple joy of sharing a meal. Their commitment to “bringing families back to the dinner table” is something I admire and support wholeheartedly. Plus, who can resist a slice of authentic Italian pizza?

Happiest Ours

Happiest Ours is a platform that allows you to elevate any event with their bespoke bar service, making them a staple in my book for unforgettable gatherings. Their attention to detail, from the curated alcohol selection to the eco-friendly disposables, shows a dedication to quality and sustainability. It’s about creating moments that guests will remember, and Happiest Ours does it with style and sophistication.


In the quest for a good night’s sleep, Nuzzie stands out with its innovative approach. The open-knit design and sustainable practice of using recycled materials strike a chord with me, both as a business owner and a consumer. The comfort and restful sleep it promises, backed by research, make it more than just a blanket—it’s a wellness tool. In a world that never sleeps, Nuzzie offers a much-needed sanctuary.

AC Barbeque

AC BBQ is the brainchild of Anthony Anderson and Cedric The Entertainer, and it’s as flavorful and entertaining as its founders. Their venture into the BBQ lifestyle brand, supported by Hawke Media, is a testament to their love for grilling and good times. It’s more than just BBQ; it’s about creating memories around the grill, and I’m all for it. Plus, their involvement adds a touch of celebrity glamour to every meal.

Live Forever Golf

Golf is not just a sport; it’s a lifestyle, and Live Forever Golf gets that. Their high-quality men’s apparel and accessories reflect the spirit of the game and the active lifestyle of golfers. As someone who appreciates both the sport and the importance of looking good while playing it, Live Forever Golf is my go-to. Their commitment to quality and style makes every round of golf not just a game, but an experience.

Each of these companies stands out for their commitment to quality, creativity, and making a genuine impact in their respective fields. Whether it’s through nostalgia, sustainability, family values, or simply the love of the game, they each bring something special to the table. That’s why they’re among my favorites.