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June 13, 2024 - By Barron Rosborough

Hawke AI Insights Report – June 2024

Staying ahead requires more than just keeping up with trends—it demands a deep understanding of data-driven insights to drive engagement, conversion, and customer loyalty. Our latest analysis reveals significant shifts and emerging opportunities that can help your business achieve remarkable growth. From optimizing marketing spend to enhancing personalized customer experiences, these actionable strategies will equip you with the tools needed to navigate the ever-evolving market and outperform the competition. Dive into our comprehensive guide to unlock the full potential of your marketing efforts.

E-Commerce Insights

As we delve into the performance metrics this month, we identify advanced strategies and nuanced insights that are crucial for eCommerce business leaders with a deep understanding of marketing dynamics. Here’s an in-depth analysis with strategic recommendations.

Key Insights and Trends

  • AdWords Clicks
    • May: 26,041 clicks
    • April: 26,024 clicks
    • Change: A negligible increase
    • Interpretation: While clicks remained stable, this indicates saturation at the current level of audience engagement.
  • Strategic Action: Implement advanced audience segmentation to identify niche markets or untapped segments. Utilize machine learning algorithms to predict and target high-value customer segments with personalized ads, thereby potentially increasing click-through rates and conversion efficiency.
  • Conversion Rate
    • May: 4.61%
    • April: 4.44%
    • Change: A 3.83% increase
    • Interpretation: The improved conversion rate suggests enhancements in either ad targeting or landing page optimization.
  • Strategic Action: Conduct a multivariate analysis to understand which elements of your landing pages contribute most to conversions. Implement dynamic landing pages that adjust content based on user behavior and preferences, leveraging real-time data for personalized user experiences.
  • Conversion Value
    • May: $1,666,091
    • April: $1,510,209
    • Change: A 10.32% increase
    • Interpretation: The significant rise in conversion value indicates higher average order values or increased sales volume.
  • Strategic Action: Deep dive into customer purchase patterns to identify high-value product bundles or frequently purchased together items. Develop strategic upsell and cross-sell campaigns based on predictive analytics to maximize order value. Consider leveraging AI-driven recommendation engines on your eCommerce platform to personalize shopping experiences.
  • AdWords Conversions
    • May: 934 conversions
    • April: 918 conversions
    • Change: A 1.74% increase
    • Interpretation: The increase in conversions suggests effective targeting and ad relevancy.
  • Strategic Action: Utilize advanced attribution modeling to understand the customer journey and identify the most influential touchpoints. Optimize the allocation of ad spend across different channels and devices based on these insights. Consider implementing a customer journey analytics tool to gain deeper insights into conversion paths.
  • AdWords Cost
    • May: $19,514
    • April: $19,173
    • Change: A 1.78% increase
    • Interpretation: The slight rise in costs aligns with the increase in conversions and value, indicating maintained cost efficiency.
  • Strategic Action: Apply automated bid management strategies using AI and machine learning to optimize bids in real-time based on performance data. Consider deploying programmatic advertising to enhance ad targeting precision and cost-efficiency.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC)
    • May: $0.91
    • April: $0.81
    • Change: A 12.35% increase
    • Interpretation: The increased CPC indicates heightened competition for keywords.
  • Strategic Action: Conduct a competitive analysis to identify gaps and opportunities in keyword targeting. Focus on long-tail keywords and contextually relevant search queries to reduce CPC while maintaining high relevancy. Utilize bid modifiers to adjust bids based on device, location, and time of day to maximize ROI.
  • Cost Per Conversion (CPL)
    • May: $55.91
    • April: $52.42
    • Change: A 6.65% increase
    • Interpretation: The rise in CPL suggests increased competition or inefficiencies in some ad sets.
  • Strategic Action: Implement advanced cohort analysis to identify and address inefficiencies in specific segments or campaigns. Utilize machine learning to predict and optimize the allocation of budget towards the highest performing cohorts, thereby reducing CPL.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR)
    • May: 3.51%
    • April: 3.79%
    • Change: A 7.39% decrease
    • Interpretation: The decline in CTR may be due to ad fatigue or less compelling creatives.
  • Strategic Action: Refresh ad creatives regularly and employ dynamic creative optimization (DCO) to test and iterate ad elements in real time. Utilize AI-powered sentiment analysis to craft more compelling ad copy that resonates with your target audience.
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
    • May: 458.36%
    • April: 508.41%
    • Change: A 9.85% decrease
    • Interpretation: The decrease in ROAS suggests a need to refine ad spending strategies.
  • Strategic Action: Conduct a thorough ROI analysis across different ad campaigns to identify underperforming ads. Implement a continuous improvement process using A/B testing and conversion rate optimization (CRO) techniques to enhance ad performance and maximize ROAS.
  • Impressions
    • May: 1,269,296 impressions
    • April: 1,133,101 impressions
    • Change: A 12.03% increase
    • Interpretation: The increase in impressions indicates higher ad visibility, but this must translate into engagement.
  • Strategic Action: Focus on viewability metrics to ensure that increased impressions are resulting in actual user engagement. Utilize advanced audience insights and behavior analytics to refine targeting and improve the quality of impressions.

Strategic Recommendations

  • Enhanced Engagement: Implement advanced audience segmentation and predictive analytics to identify and target high-value segments.
  • Revenue Maximization: Leverage AI-driven recommendation engines and personalized shopping experiences to increase average order values.
  • Cost Efficiency: Deploy automated bid management and programmatic advertising to optimize costs and improve targeting precision.
  • Creative Optimization: Utilize dynamic creative optimization and sentiment analysis to refresh ad creatives and improve engagement.
  • ROAS Improvement: Conduct detailed ROI analysis and continuous improvement processes to refine ad strategies and maximize returns.

B2C Insights

As we analyze the performance metrics from April to May 2024, several notable trends and changes emerge that are crucial for strategic planning and operational adjustments in the B2C landscape. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what these changes mean and how you can leverage them for sustained growth and competitive advantage.


In the transition from April to May 2024, our business metrics have shown encouraging signs of growth and efficiency. This period reflects a positive trajectory in revenue generation and order volumes, complemented by improvements in conversion rates and customer acquisition costs. However, the average order value remains unchanged, indicating room for optimizing upsell and cross-sell strategies.

Key Insights and Trends

  • Revenue Growth:
    • Insight: Revenue increased by 10% from April to May 2024.
    • Action: This growth suggests successful marketing campaigns or product launches. Continue to invest in high-performing channels and explore new opportunities to capitalize on this momentum.
  • Order Volume:
    • Insight: Orders grew by 10%, mirroring the revenue increase.
    • Action: With higher order volumes, ensure your supply chain and customer service teams are prepared to handle increased demand. Evaluate inventory levels and logistics to maintain smooth operations.
  • Conversion Rate:
    • Insight: The conversion rate improved from 2.5% to 2.8%, a 12% increase.
    • Action: This uptick indicates that site optimizations and marketing efforts are effectively turning visitors into buyers. Analyze the specific changes that drove this improvement, such as landing page enhancements or personalized marketing tactics, and replicate them across other segments.
  • Average Order Value (AOV):
    • Insight: The AOV remained steady at $50.
    • Action: While stability in AOV is positive, there’s potential for growth. Implement targeted upsell and cross-sell strategies, and consider bundling products to encourage higher spending per order.
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC):
    • Insight: CAC decreased by 6.7%, from $30 to $28.
    • Action: Lower CAC suggests more efficient marketing spend. Reallocate budget towards the most cost-effective channels and continue to refine audience targeting to sustain this downward trend.

Strategic Recommendations

  • Double Down on Successful Campaigns:
    • Identify the campaigns that contributed most to revenue and conversion rate increases. Allocate more resources to these areas while testing new creative variations to maximize ROI.
  • Enhance Customer Experience:
    • With higher order volumes, focus on improving the post-purchase experience. Invest in customer support training and technology to handle increased inquiries and maintain high satisfaction levels.
  • Optimize Product Mix:
    • To boost AOV, review your product mix and pricing strategies. Introduce attractive product bundles and limited-time offers to encourage higher spending.
  • Sustain Efficient Acquisition:
    • Keep monitoring and optimizing your customer acquisition channels. Use data-driven insights to fine-tune your targeting and messaging, ensuring that you attract high-value customers at a lower cost.
  • Leverage Data for Continuous Improvement:
    • Regularly analyze performance data to identify trends and areas for improvement. Implement A/B testing to validate hypotheses and continuously refine your strategies.


By understanding these metrics and implementing strategic actions, B2C business leaders can drive sustained growth, enhance customer experiences, and improve operational efficiency. The positive trends from April to May 2024 provide a strong foundation for further success, but continuous optimization and strategic planning are essential to maintaining this trajectory.

B2B Insights

As we compare the B2B marketing metrics from May 2024 to April 2024, several key trends and shifts emerge that are crucial for e-commerce business leaders to understand and leverage. These insights can guide strategic adjustments and help capitalize on market dynamics.

Key Insights and Trends

  • Increased Engagement Rates:
    • Percentage Change: Engagement rates have increased by 12% from April to May 2024.
    • Interpretation: This uptick suggests that recent content strategies or campaign tweaks are resonating well with the target audience. It’s essential to analyze which specific content types or platforms are driving this engagement to double down on successful tactics.
    • Action: Conduct A/B testing on content formats and times of posting. Invest in high-performing channels and consider scaling personalized content efforts.
  • Higher Conversion Rates:
    • Percentage Change: Conversion rates saw a 15% rise from April to May 2024.
    • Interpretation: Improved conversion rates indicate that not only is your audience engaging more, but they are also more likely to take the desired actions, whether that’s signing up for newsletters, downloading resources, or making purchases.
    • Action: Enhance your lead nurturing processes. Review and optimize your conversion funnels to remove any friction points. Utilize retargeting strategies to capture and convert warm leads.
  • Increased Website Traffic:
    • Percentage Change: There was a 10% increase in website traffic month-over-month.
    • Interpretation: A surge in traffic suggests successful marketing campaigns or improved SEO practices. However, it’s important to ensure this traffic is of high quality.
    • Action: Implement analytics tools to understand the sources of traffic and their behavior on your site. Focus on driving traffic from high-intent channels and optimizing landing pages to maximize engagement and conversions.
  • Rise in Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC):
    • Percentage Change: CAC increased by 8%.
    • Interpretation: While higher engagement and conversions are positive, the rising CAC indicates a need to scrutinize marketing spend efficiency.
    • Action: Evaluate and refine your targeting strategies. Consider investing in more cost-effective marketing channels and leveraging organic growth strategies, such as content marketing and SEO, to balance paid acquisition costs.
  • Improved Customer Retention Rates:
    • Percentage Change: Customer retention improved by 5%.
    • Interpretation: A slight improvement in retention rates is a positive sign that your post-purchase engagement strategies are effective.
    • Action: Enhance customer loyalty programs and personalized follow-up communications. Implement feedback loops to continually refine your customer experience and retention strategies.
  • Growth in Social Media Engagement:
    • Percentage Change: Social media engagement increased by 20%.
    • Interpretation: The significant growth in social media engagement suggests that your audience is more actively interacting with your brand on these platforms.
    • Action: Invest in social media marketing, particularly in interactive and engaging content such as videos, polls, and live sessions. Use social listening tools to understand and respond to your audience’s needs and preferences.

Strategic Recommendations

  • Optimize Marketing Spend: With the rising CAC, it’s crucial to continuously optimize your marketing spend. Focus on high-ROI channels and campaigns, and consider reallocating budget to organic growth initiatives.
  • Enhance Personalization: Leverage data analytics to create highly personalized marketing messages. Personalized content can significantly improve engagement and conversion rates.
  • Invest in Customer Experience: With improving retention rates, investing in customer experience can further enhance loyalty and lifetime value. Implement strategies to gather and act on customer feedback to continually improve.
  • Leverage Data-Driven Insights: Use advanced analytics to understand the nuances behind these metrics. Identifying patterns and correlations can help in fine-tuning your marketing strategies for better results.

By closely monitoring these trends and strategically responding to the insights, e-commerce business leaders can drive sustainable growth and stay ahead of the competition.