HawkeStar November 2021 Matt Kenemore

Each month, Hawke Media names one of its own as a HawkeStar, which is our take on employee-of-the-month. Those chosen to be the month’s HawkeStar embody the company values, which are:

  • Get sh*t done
  • Learn quickly
  • Be cool

We highlight each month’s HawkeStar, because those who embody these values deserve recognition from their peers.  Here are some words from Matt Kenemore, this month’s HawkeStar:

Q: How long have you been with Hawke? What’s your title?

A: Two years in January. Director of IT.


Q: Tell us a little about yourself and your background!

A: I’ve built every computer I’ve had since I was 13, and as an avid gamer I was fortunate enough to have found work for some of the games I loved. I was able to turn that passion into a profession when tech support quickly became proper IT and video game tech support became SaaS tech support. I live and breathe tech and love to talk about it.


Q: What is the most rewarding part of working with your team at Hawke?

A: For me, being allowed the freedom to support Hawke Media with the best ways I can come up with. Knowing I am enabled and empowered to find the best solutions for people who work very hard to make Hawke Media what it is.

Q: You received this award for many reasons, one of them being that you are a fantastic team player! What do you think goes into nurturing successful relationships with colleagues and clients?

A: I believe in extinguishing any possible dislike with a superior quality of work. Where there are humans, there will be conflict. When we face conflict, we can either rise to our best selves, or show how much more we still have to learn. Slay your opponents with excellence and their respect will soon follow.


Q: Now that you’re an accomplished HawkeStar, what do you see for yourself next in this company?

A: I look forward to continuing to be a technological partner to and for every employee at Hawke Media. I appreciate the trust placed in me to ensure every end user feels safe and secure in their digital work space and I want to continue to earn that honor.

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