The Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Miss Quarantine Conference 2020 on April 7
Are you feeling a little anxious right now about every aspect of your life, including your business? Of course, it’s completely natural, as we’re in the middle of an unprecedented global pandemic.
At Hawke Media, we’re here to say, “We got you.”
During this stressful time for everyone, we’re trying to be what we’ve always been for our clients: a calming voice of reason and guiding light to the future. We wanted to create a no-contact networking and idea exchange for all types of entrepreneurs and business professionals, whether you’re struggling to figure out your business’ next moves or you simply have FOMO on all of those important conference takeaways due to conference season being canceled. We decided to take action and un-cancel conference season, which is how Quarantine Conference was born.
At QCon, we’ve curated the industry’s best programming to equip your business to survive and thrive through this unprecedented pandemic and beyond while having some fun with the remote lifestyle. You’ll learn how brands are disaster-proofing their business models across different industries and keeping their employees uplifted in times of crisis. Here are the top ten reasons why you should tune in to our conference on Tuesday.
1. There are no gimmicks.
Everything else seems hard right now, so we want to make Quarantine Conference as easy on you as possible. It’s completely free to sign up for the conference, and you’ll be sent one Zoom link to watch on for the whole day.
The conference is from 9 am – 6 pm PST on April 7, but you can tune in and tune out as you please throughout your work day. With our selection of speakers and panelists, though, you’re going to want to stay tuned in all day, which brings us to…

2. You’ll hear from some incredible keynote speakers.
You’re going to hear how to grow your business from street corner to multi-billion dollar company and stand out to investors from CEO of Fubu and Shark Tank investor and television personality Daymond John, what it’s like working for Donald Trump in the White House and how we can move forward from this global crisis from entrepreneur and former White House Director of Communications Anthony Scaramucci, what it’s like to be a Navy SEAL and how to persevere against all odds from Navy SEAL and New York Times best-selling author Brandon Webb, and why business owners should give every one of their employees a $70k salary from Founder and CEO of Gravity Payments Dan Price.
While we can’t wait to tune into these panels ourselves, there’s also so much more where these guys came from. We have over 20 speakers presenting every half-hour to an hour, so content will never get stale and nuggets of knowledge will continuously be dropped in abudance.
3. We’re going to teach you how to use TikTok as a marketing tool.
Have you seen your kids, younger siblings, or other Gen Z friends and acquaintances creating various and extremely coordinated short dance videos? They’re using TikTok, and it seems the longer we’re in quarantine, the more other generations are downloading this addicting app and joining in on the fun. On our TikTok panel, hear from TalentXEntertainment and ICM executives and Josh Richards, a TikTok influencer rolling 15 million followers deep, on how to leverage the app to boost sales at a time when other revenue streams are drying up.
4. We’re highlighting women in business.
It’s not always easy to be a woman in the male-dominated business world, but the women on our Female Titans panel have succeeded in their own businesses despite all obstacles. Listen in as Gemist Founder & CEO Madeline Fraser, University Circle Inc. Vice President of Services Laura Kleinman, Brand Assembly Co-Founder & CEO Hillary France, Health-Ade Kombucha Co-Founder & CEO Daina Trout, The Lip Bar Founder & CEO Melissa Butler, and The AMPLIFY Collective Co-Founder and creator of Boss Talks Bri Seeley talk about how they overcame their struggles and how to create a successful business model. Plus, they’ll dive deeper into the innovative ideas they’ve come up with for the post-pandemic landscape.

5. We’re holding an exact panel that you could have attended at South by Southwest.
We feel your disappointed that SXSW was canceled, as we were just as excited as you about it. Bringing a part of the festival to the Internet, we’re hosting an official panel that our Founder and CEO Erik Huberman was actually going to speak on at SXSW. Erik will be joined by President of High Times Paul Henderson, Founder & CEO of Lemonlight Hope Horner, and Founder & CEO of the Arcadian Fund Matthew Nordgren for Blazing Trails: a look into how to stand out from other brands in the crowd and best marketing practices in an industry that is increasingly saturated and constantly plagued by advertising restrictions.
6. We’re supporting small businesses.
As a company that works with a lot of small businesses, we’re passionate about protecting these businesses during difficult times, which is why we want all of our attendees to support their locals too. We’re encouraging you to order out from your neighborhood restaurant during our scheduled lunch break. We’ll appreciate it, and so will they!
7. We’re not just all-business, all-day.
It doesn’t have to be all shop talk all the of the time. You have to have balance. Stretch out with one of our employees who also happens to be a yoga instructor, listen to a spoken word poet recite some of his powerful words, and jam to live music performed by a few different Music Division Co. artists.
8. We’re still making networking possible and, as a matter of fact, easy.
Can you network virtually? You absolutely can. We’ve set up Slack channels based around various topics being covered at the conference, so you can ask the panelists questions and spark conversations among your fellow attendees.
You’ll be able to exchange contact information right there in the chat so that you can stay in touch, just like IRL. With all great conferences always comes a happy hour, so yes, we’re having one of those too.
9. We’re going to help you get through this global pandemic, mentally and physically.
Our lineup is carefully curated with speakers that will inspire you when the outlook can sometimes seem bleak. Hear strength in the tale of Todd Herman, who battled coronavirus himself while still having to take care of his business and his family, and many other entrepreneurs who have been through tough times before and know how to bounce back—or keep going to the light at the end of the tunnel. Their tips will be among the most valuable takeaways you’ll receive from this conference.
10. You’ll leave with more knowledge than you started with.
You know this statement now to be true. RSVP now, and see you there!