UBTECH Robotics is the global leader in intelligent humanoid robots. The company’s interactive robots serve the public, accelerate STEM education for children, and assist and entertain in the home. Integrating UBTECH robots into our daily lives enhances how we live, work, learn, and play.

After UBTECH approached Hawke Media, marketing experts at Hawke did a holistic analysis of the client’s business to determine how each channel contributed to the overall success of the company.
- Developed a proprietary technique to determine how Facebook, Google, and Amazon ads affect Amazon sales compared to sales on the client’s website
- Created a cross-platform attribution model to track sales from different campaigns
- Changed Google and Facebook strategy based on analysis from conversion to prospecting and driving traffic to Amazon
- UTM tagged storefront to track views and sales from external traffic in storefront
- Created custom pages with multiple products to be used as destination pages for Google and Facebook campaigns
- Worked with the team to come up with a strategy for campaigns and target product mix
- Created custom sponsored brands and sponsored product campaigns to specifically target customers from Google and Facebook
- Created a retargeting campaign to target customers who came from Facebook and Google campaigns but did not initially purchase on Amazon

- Switched over to smart shopping campaigns, which helped grow UBTech’s revenue and ROAS
- Focused on prospecting by putting a substantial budget to Youtube and display ads, which helped fill the top funnel to convert more customers on Amazon
- Tested multiple final destination pages on Amazon to send Google traffic to

- Focused on prospecting and top of the funnel campaigns to drive customers to Amazon
- Tested multiple final destination pages on Amazon and storefront
- Worked closely with Amazon team to create custom creatives to align with the final destination page

Revenue Growth
Spend Increase
ROAs Increase