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May 16, 2024 - By Barron Rosborough

Hawke AI Insights – May 2024

Staying ahead requires a keen understanding of performance metrics and the ability to adapt strategies for maximum impact. As we delve into the recent performance metrics for our B2B, B2C, and e-commerce segments, it’s evident that each sector presents unique challenges and opportunities. By analyzing these insights, we can craft targeted recommendations to optimize our campaigns, improve engagement, and drive higher conversions across the board.

In March 2024, our digital marketing efforts revealed fascinating trends that underscore the importance of agility and strategic refinement. For B2B campaigns, we witnessed a surge in engagement but faced hurdles in conversion rates, prompting us to rethink our approach to lead nurturing and sales funnels. The B2C landscape showcased remarkable efficiency gains and a significant increase in conversion value, highlighting the potential of high-value conversions when ad creatives and targeting are meticulously refined. Meanwhile, our e-commerce efforts demonstrated steady engagement and a substantial boost in conversion value, yet underscored the necessity of optimizing conversion strategies to capitalize fully on the incoming traffic.

This comprehensive analysis not only reflects our current standing but also sets the stage for informed decision-making. By leveraging these insights, we can enhance our digital marketing strategies, ensuring that every click, conversion, and dollar spent contributes to our overarching goal of sustained growth and profitability. Let’s dive into the detailed performance metrics and strategic recommendations for each segment, paving the way for a more effective and impactful digital presence.

B2B Performance Insights

In March 2024, our AdWords campaign saw a dramatic 31.9% increase in clicks compared to February, indicating heightened interest and engagement with our ads. This spike can be attributed to more effective targeting and compelling ad creatives. Even more impressive is the 20.1% decrease in cost per click (CPC), showcasing our improved efficiency in ad spending and optimization strategies driving more traffic at a lower cost.

However, despite the increased engagement, we’ve encountered challenges in conversion. The conversion rate dropped by 15%, and the number of conversions fell by 10%, revealing a gap in turning this surge of interest into actual leads or sales. This is further highlighted by the 32.2% decrease in conversion value, impacting our overall revenue from the campaigns.

On a positive note, our total ad spend saw a slight decrease of 4.1%, demonstrating effective budget management. Yet, this is offset by a 6.6% increase in cost per lead (CPL), indicating that while we are saving on the overall budget, the cost to acquire each lead is rising, which could affect profitability.


To capitalize on increased engagement and address conversion challenges, we recommend optimizing our landing pages to enhance user experience and improve conversion rates. A continuous review of our ad targeting and creative strategies will help maintain high engagement and drive more conversions. Additionally, conducting a thorough analysis of our sales funnel can identify drop-off points that need addressing. Finally, we should consider reallocating budget towards more effective campaigns or channels to maximize return on investment.

By understanding these metrics and implementing strategic adjustments, we can leverage the increased engagement while addressing conversion challenges, ultimately driving better performance outcomes.

B2C Performance Insights

In March 2024, our AdWords campaign experienced a notable increase of 4.8% in clicks compared to February, reflecting sustained interest and engagement with our ads. This was achieved while reducing our cost per click (CPC) by 8.5%, showcasing enhanced efficiency and budget optimization. Despite a slight drop of 3.7% in the conversion rate, we saw a 2.6% increase in the number of conversions, indicating our success in turning traffic into leads.

A key highlight is the staggering 93.8% increase in conversion value, which soared compared to February. This dramatic rise suggests that our efforts are driving high-value conversions, significantly boosting our revenue. Furthermore, the cost per lead (CPL) decreased by 21.7%, demonstrating improved cost efficiency in acquiring new leads, even as our total ad spend increased modestly by 5.8%.


To sustain and build on these positive trends, we recommend the following:

  • Refine Ad Creatives and Targeting: Continuously improve our ad creatives and targeting strategies to maintain high engagement and drive conversions.
  • Optimize Landing Pages: Enhance the user experience on our landing pages to effectively convert traffic into leads, thereby boosting our conversion rates.
  • Replicate High-Value Conversion Strategies: Focus on identifying and replicating the successful strategies that led to the significant increase in conversion value across other campaigns.

By leveraging these insights and making strategic adjustments, we can capitalize on increased engagement and conversion value while optimizing our ad spend, ultimately driving better performance outcomes for our B2C campaigns.

E-Commerce Performance Insights

In March 2024, our AdWords campaign demonstrated continued engagement with a 1.5% increase in clicks compared to February. The conversion rate remained steady at 3.88%, but the overall conversion value surged by an impressive 33.7%, climbing significantly compared to February. This substantial boost indicates our success in driving high-value conversions, positively impacting our revenue.

Despite the increased conversion value, we saw a slight 1.6% decrease in the number of conversions, suggesting an opportunity to further optimize our strategies to convert traffic more effectively. On a positive note, our total ad spend decreased by 10.7%, reflecting efficient budget management. However, the cost per click (CPC) rose by 2.4%, and the cost per lead (CPL) increased by 10.8%, indicating a higher investment per lead.


To sustain and enhance these positive trends, we recommend the following:

  • Optimize Ad Creatives and Targeting: Continuously refine ad creatives and targeting strategies to maintain engagement and improve conversion rates.
  • Enhance Landing Pages: Focus on enhancing the user experience on landing pages to effectively convert traffic into sales.
  • Replicate High-Value Conversion Strategies: Identify and replicate successful strategies that led to the significant increase in conversion value across other campaigns.
  • Budget Reallocation: Consider reallocating budget towards more effective campaigns or channels to maximize ROI, particularly given the increase in CPL.

By leveraging these insights and making strategic adjustments, we can capitalize on increased engagement and conversion value while optimizing our ad spend, driving better performance outcomes for our e-commerce campaigns.