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July 19, 2023 - By Hawke Media

10 Ways to Collect More First-Party Data

In digital marketing, first-party data is increasingly critical to successful strategies. This data – that which is collected directly from your customers – provides valuable insights into their behaviors, preferences, and interactions with your brand. It facilitates more cost-efficient retargeting and allows for the formulation of impactful marketing strategies.


According to Boston Consulting Group, brands that utilize first-party data can see a whopping 2.9x increase in revenue. Furthermore, a study by Convert reveals that 92% of marketers consider first-party data as essential to business growth. With such significant benefits, it’s crucial for brands to focus on gathering more first-party data. 


Why Google and Apple Updates Have Made First-Party Data Essential

Third-party cookies have long been a cornerstone of digital advertising, allowing marketers to track user behavior across different websites and deliver personalized ads. However, growing concerns over privacy have led to their impending demise.


Recent privacy updates, such as Apple’s iOS 14.5 update and Google’s decision to phase out third-party cookies, have significantly increased marketers’ reliance on first-party data. As these updates limit the ability to track user behavior across different platforms and websites, marketers are turning to first-party data – information collected directly from their own interactions with customers – for critical insights.


This data is not only immune to these privacy changes, but also offers more accurate and reliable information about customer preferences and behaviors, allowing marketers to deliver personalized experiences and make informed decisions. Thus, amidst tightening privacy regulations, first-party data has become an invaluable asset for marketers.


10 Best Methods to Collect More First-Party Data

1. Lead Forms: One of the simplest and most effective ways to collect first-party data is through lead forms. These can be used on your website, social media platforms, or even in your email marketing campaigns. Offering downloadable content or conducting outreach initiatives can entice users to fill out these forms, yielding valuable data.

2. Third-Party Sign-In: By integrating third-party sign-in options like Facebook or Google, you can gather a wealth of user information. Users appreciate the convenience of these sign-in methods, and you benefit from the rich data these platforms provide.

3. Analytics Tools: Leveraging analytics tools on your website or app can help you understand user behavior better. These tools can track user interactions, engagement levels, and other key metrics, providing a treasure trove of first-party data.

4. Customer Surveys: Surveys allow you to ask specific questions to your customers, helping you gain insights into their preferences, opinions, and needs. By conducting regular surveys, you can collect high-quality, actionable data that can inform your marketing strategies.

5. Loyalty Programs: Rewards programs not only incentivize repeat business but also serve as a rich source of first-party data. As customers sign up and interact with the program, you gather data on their purchasing habits, preferences, and more.

6. Email Marketing: Through email marketing, you can track open rates, click-through rates, and other engagement metrics. This data is invaluable for understanding which content resonates with your audience and for tailoring your future email campaigns accordingly.

7. Social Media Engagement: Monitoring likes, shares, comments, and other interactions on your social media posts can provide insights into what type of content your audience prefers. This can help you create more engaging content and build stronger relationships with your audience.

8. Ecommerce Transactions: Online transactions provide a plethora of data, including customer purchasing habits, popular products, and average order value. This information can guide product development, pricing strategies, and promotional campaigns.

9. Live Chat and Chatbots: These tools offer real-time customer engagement, allowing you to collect data on common questions, concerns, and interests. This data can be used to improve customer service and tailor your offerings.

10. User Testing and Feedback: Inviting users to test new features or products and provide feedback allows you to gather specific, high-quality data. This feedback can guide product development and ensure your offerings meet customer needs and expectations.


These methods are just high-level ways to collect more first-party data. As we move farther into the digital age, this data is increasingly important across all marketing channels, including SMS, email, PPC media, and more. By prioritizing the collection of first-party data, brands can unlock deeper customer understanding, drive more efficient retargeting efforts, and ultimately, boost their bottom line. So, start implementing these strategies today, and watch your business grow!


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