We hope you had a happy Thanksgiving, and we’re thankful for you, marketers! Black Friday and Cyber Monday have now come and gone, but we’re still in the thick of the holiday season. In case you’ve been too busy to check out our blog lately, here’s a roundup of the new content we’ve created over the past month so you can catch up. 

It’s your opportunity to soak in all of the insightful tips and tricks, as well as key takeaways, that a variety of experts on our team have shared during November. If you haven’t yet, we recommend that you give these articles a look. 

Holiday Marketing Tips 

Source: Getty Images

Last-Minute Strategies to Save Black Friday If you’re planning Black Friday at the last minute, there’s not much saving to be done, BUT not all hope is lost. There are strategies you can focus on to maximize increased consumer purchase behavior, and we have them right here. Save your Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales!

4 Ways to Increase Email Open Rate This Holiday Season As a brand, what can you do to get your product or service emails to stand out amongst a sea of holiday-themed emails flooding consumers’ inboxes? The answer to the clicks is in thinking like a consumer and a marketer at the same time. Here are four tips to increase email open rate this holiday season.

Digital Marketing Tips, Broken Down by Service—and Holiday—in Q4 We’ve broken down some of our best holiday marketing advice by service and focused it around the Q4 holidays. Check out these service-specific tips to help you crank your holiday marketing efforts up a notch.

4 UX Best Practices To Maximize Your Holiday Promo Success Even businesses who plan their holiday promotion strategy months in advance still make basic mistakes. To ensure your promos are set up for success, here is a list of UX best practices to help maximize the effectiveness of your holiday deals.

Guest Blogs

Source: Getty Images

Facebook Automation: 4 Essential Automated RulesBetween pumping out new creatives weekly, finding and testing new audiences, and keeping a close eye on how everything is performing, scaling Facebook ads can be tough. If you use Facebook automation, it will automate ad performance and alleviate some of your ad scaling stress.

Navigating Insurance as Your Company Grows: Beta StageLearn about the risks your company faces evolve as your growth accelerates, what insurance policies you should consider, and what basic practices you should implement as it does.

Acing Interviews at Hawke

3 Tips to Ace Your Phone Interview With Hawke Media A Hawke Media recruiter gives you a call and—yes—they’re interested in hiring you! There’s only one problem: you’re not exactly sure what to say in a phone interview with us and you’re looking for some insight. We’ve got you covered with three phone interview etiquette tips recommended for all Hawke interviewees looking to have successful interviews and be passed onto the appropriate hiring managers.


4 Reasons Hawkesgiving Was a Huge Success This season, we’re very thankful for Hawke fam, including our clients and future clients, as they’re part of the fam too. We wined, dined, and shared in some harvest festival activities at the Nest. Check out four reasons why Hawkesgiving crushed it this past month. 

Your Burning Marketing Questions, Answered

Many of our blog posts stem from client concerns that we address, so chances are we’ll have a blog post that can answer your latest burning marketing question. 

You can also get your question(s) answered in more depth by our team of experts. Just fill out a free consultation form below. Happy reading!